Everybody had second helpings. Oleh Dwi Hudayani May 20, 2019 There were NO leftovers! Everybody had second helpings. This is a hit. I did add red onions in with the green beans. Read AlsoEasiest Way to Make Delicious Pressure Cooker Apple CrispEasiest Way to Make Yummy Chicken Caesar ChickenEasy Recipe: Yummy Cajun Smoked Sausage PastaEasiest Way to Make Delicious Chicken Breast With Avocado SalsaEasiest Way to Make Perfect Quiktrip Spicy Chicken Taquito Ingredients You may like these posts :15 Minute Healthy Roasted Chicken and Veggies (One Pan)20 Minute Vegan Curry Ramenmarinated slow roasted onionsThai Red Curry Noodle Soup