You felt so clever ordering that salad for Oleh Dwi Hudayani May 20, 2019 You felt so clever ordering that salad for lunch. Too bad it clocked in at 870 calories. (Damn you, bacon bits.) Here, 13 delicious brown-bag meals that contain fewer than 400 calories a serving. So Read AlsoEasy Recipe: Yummy Cajun Smoked Sausage PastaEasiest Way to Make Delicious Chicken Breast With Avocado SalsaEasiest Way to Make Perfect Quiktrip Spicy Chicken Taquito IngredientsEasiest Way to Make Delicious Pressure Cooker Apple CrispEasiest Way to Make Yummy Chicken Caesar Chicken You may like these posts :Easy Air Fryer DonutsSlutty Cheesecake BarsHershey's Chocolate Pie Recipe Dessert7 Delicious & Easy Keto Chocolate Cheesecakes